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pamela s bangbus adventure

Check this out! When I leaved my house today to drive the bus, i couldn t imagine i will meet the finest, cutest, piece of ass that have ever driven the bus, well Olivia was cool too. But this girl Pamela seriously rocks and for us to be impress by some chick, she really has to be cool. Well, at first she recognized the Bus and ask me if my name was P.P....What? This girl is fan?? wao!! We asked her to be the driver and she accepted, we drove around and had a lot fun with everyone we found on the road, We meet some cute chicks by the beach, some of them were a little bitchy and some of them were ai ght. This girl was really good trying to convince other chicks to get in the bus and show us their boobs. We meet this fine girl name Jamie and if it wasn t for Pamela she wouldn t gotten inside. We took her for a ride and she said she liked our driver so it was not hard to get this babe to do some crazy shit. By the time we picked Dave Pounder this girl was ready to be fucked in every position. It takes more than just smooth talking to get this sweet girl to show her goods. I had to offer up cold hard cash to even get a nipple shot. But, when this little thing gets on a roll she lets it all hang out, and the best of all she fucks like a professional. Dave gave her some fierce dick pounding in her tight pussy and she took all his load in her chunky sexy lips it was great!!, but by the time they were done we ditch them and i got Pamela for myself.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 02, 2007
  • 390


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