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sandra romain anal

Jarrod was looking for a new job. He was tired of the old drudgery and decided he wanted to get a job in production. He already had experience in the field and has had many successes in other productions. Well, He noticed and add that was inquiring for help. So he took off to check it out. When he got there he was surprised to see that the person who was interviewing him was a very attractive woman, who introduced herself as Sandra. He told her about the add and that he was interested in possibly filling a position for gaffer. She told him that She need him to fill her pussy. She was super hot and immediatly began to take her clothes off as they both began to have sex right there in her office. Sandra gave him a blow job right on his chair and then turned around to let Jarrod eat her pussy out. She had a nice pink pussy and it was wet. She then started to fuck him on the desk doing all the good positions, missionary, doggie, cowgirl, she even let him stick his cock in her ass and then

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 28, 2007
  • 365


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