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charley s surprise

Man, I ve been wanting to hang out with this girl Charley Chase, for a while now. I ve seen her in movies before, and couldn t help but jerking off to them, because Charley is so fine. She ll have your mouth watering as she starts to shake those hips and those beautiful thighs of hers. Not only does she have a great ass, but her tits are incredible. Even if your an ass guy, these tits will have you going crazy. They re an all natural size D, amazingly beautiful home grown tits and ass. Well I decided to take her out into the open to a really cool spot I found before. It s like this abandoned train that looks awesome and nobody knows about. So we decided to sneak into the train, so we could have a nice place we could get dirty in. When Charley started to masterbate I noticed a bumb hanging out on the floor. I felt bad for him, so I told Charley to give him a lap dance until Joey came over to fuck the shit out of her. Old man was happy as hell. When Joey got there, Charley was so eager to suck on his cock, she jumped out of the train and started giving him a blow job outside in the open air, it was hot. Then they went inside and started fucking like crazy. I guess trains really turn Charley Chase on, because she was a wild one.

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 02, 2007
  • 136


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