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o lovely day

Olivia is the newest teacher in Milf University. She specializes in Human Development and Sexuality. She s also the author of The Slut in every woman . Tony who was a big fan of the book decided to pay her a visit, since he was part of the senior staff he arranged a meeting with her to discuss the virtues of this book. When he saw Olivia he was taken back by her striking good looks and her bulging breast that were begging to be released from their cloth prison. Olivia s long muscular legs were the type you want to gently stroke with your cock just to feel the curves of her thighs. After sharing a few words they hit it off quite well. Tony told her about his problems with his wife not being able to perform to her maximum potential. Olivia had a solution. She had to fuck Tony so that he can fuck his wife better. So check out this latest Milf Lesson because it will be educational.

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 05, 2007
  • 301


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