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fetish requests part 1

Fetishes...we have them, of course many are more perverse that others and i use that word very lightly...its hard to say what perverse is...especially in my line of work...i mean what might be lude and lucivious to one perosn might be youre average run of the mill sexual encounter for some one else..its completly objective...or is it subjective???hehehe well you know what i mean..i looked up the word in the dictionary and to me its a very odd definition.. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation ...non genital??? are lips genital? so is kissing a fetish?? i mean come on..well anyway i havent even told you really what this shoot is all about well i kinda did i mean im sure by now youve guessed it involves fetishes but what makes it so special is that these fetishes are comeing emails written by my fans..ive gota bunch here but i only shose four for this shoot...some of the ones you guys have written to me about are waaaaaaaaay out th

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 18, 2007
  • 157


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