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finding ass in public!

What they do? What it be about man? This year came to an end really fucking quick. Wow! Fucking crazy! I m really looking forward to next year though. as I plan to find more and more booty out on the street as I did today. Something about just meeting an amateur chick who likes to get down and dirty drives me crazy. I just simply want to take shit to another level. So we were driving around town, me and my new driver Oscar, the dude we met on the train like about a month ago, and we see this hot girl selling flowers with an ass beyond belief, I mean her ass was popping out so far from her back, that I got off the car and bought all the flowers they had just to get her to come back to the car with me. I asked her to go to lunch, and she did, she had a nice big hard cock to fulfill all her hunger. Emma is a sweet thing, she got that plump latina girl body frame, with an innocent look to her, but don t get it twisted though, because she s a freak that loves a big hard cock. Enjoy :)

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 30, 2007
  • 190


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