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isabella will hook you up

Here is the question. This is simple. What can you rent from car rental place? Well almost everyone who happen to come across this service would say a car. But those people never been to the car rental place where Isabella works, because if they would, they d say that beside of the car you can also rent Isabella s pussy, without paying anything. Yeah it sounds weird but thats the way this chick is. She is from Honduras and I guess thats how it works in that country. Anyway she answered my ad and came to my place for an interview. She said that she loves sex so much she cannot wait to fuck somebody. Well I kept asking her questions about her work but it seemed like she wasn t even listening, all she wanted to do is to ride some dick. So I decided not to waste any time and call my boy Da Captain. Da Captain never lets me down. She got what she was waiting for. The whole thing was just awesome, dick sucking, pussy licking, cock riding and stuff like that. Just go ahead and check out this episode.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 05, 2008
  • 126


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