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ass worship in vegas!

What up ya ll? It s your boy Preston here with some great footage straight from the AVN s. Thats right, I took my camera in there, met up with a bunch of porn stars, and then saw Luscious Lopez and a girl I hadn t met yet, signing autographs on stage. They were wearing some very little shorts that showed off their amazing legs and big fat asses. I walked up to Luscious and she introduced me to Sarah Vandella, a hottie with a great ass and beautiful tits, very pretty as well. These girls are so crazy they took me to the back and gave me an amazing blowjob, then we went looking for my boy Mr. Pete because the girls were ready to fuck. As soon as they got into the elevator it was on and popping. Luscious and Sarah started making out and taking eachother s tops off. As we were walking down the hallway they got on a center sofa piece and started worshipping eachother s asses right there in public. HOT! HOT! HOT! I took them to the room before we got ourselves in trouble, and there the madness began. ASS Madness that is! Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 20, 2008
  • 223


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