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sabina and kali s sexy threesome!

Wassup peeps!! Today I have a double surprise for your entertainment, double the hotties double the pleasure. These two sexy girls, Sabina Leigh and Kali West, came to my apartment to do a scene, so I got them naked one by one very slowly. Their big natural tits were just perfect, so I put some oil on them and played with those titties like if they were mine. They got so excited that they even started playing with each other. So I took out a dildo, and they played with it in such a sexy way that I almost came, just by watching them. Later that day, my homeboy Jmac came in and fucked them really good. They started riding him with crazy movements, and they fucked him in every position. These two girls are the perfect combination for a great fuck.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 23, 2008
  • 265


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