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small fucking papi cock!

Whats up mutha fuckers!?!?! Preston here and this week we decided to change things up a bit. I had my home boys BIG Lou and Richard join me, but instead of going out to look for chicks, I called up Sienna West. She is a mega hot ready to fuck, always on that cock hottie! we decided to go around and fuck around with some people, and we found three of the biggest losers ever. the first dude couldn t even get it up! i mean how the fuck do you look at Sienna and not have a boner? something was wrong with that mofo. Our second dude, well lets just call him Tiny Mike... for obvious reasons, enough said. and Huckel Buck was our third batter up, I don t know where the fuck this guy came from but he couldn t even make it out of the parking lot with out him jizzing everywhere. then he didn t want to get off the damn bus. that s why i always walk around with a big mofo like Lou, just in case shit like this happens. poor Sienna was so disappointed she jumped on my cock and i fucked her brains out! GAME OVER SON!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 05, 2008
  • 196


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