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nice, round and thick

Whats up ass lovers? How is everything going, hope its all good since you re back for a new assparade update. So check this out. A few days ago me and my boy were driving around Miami downtown looking for some material for my camera (you know what kind of material), then we saw two hot chicks walking along the sidewalk, the first thing that grabbed my attention was those nice round asses those girls had. So of course I asked my driver to pull over to see what those chicks were up to. It turned out that they were going to the mall to buy some outfits and I asked them if they needed a ride. They were like yeah that would be cool, and I was like, you know whats really cool and hot at the same time? What? Your nice ROUND ASSES. They got so excited and agreed to show me those booties right there on the street. Then in the car, and finally at my place, where Jonny was waiting until I brought them back home. Oh man those asses are smoking, I asked them to try some new outfits I bought at the mall, and let me tell you that stuff look so hot on them. Then Colton took control over and nailed those two pussies like he meant it. Just go ahead and check it out.

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 10, 2008
  • 191


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