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fucked her in the restaurant

Wasup guys, in today s fantasy i was with my homeboy Colton Jay at a very nice restaurant in Miami. Regular costumers, everybody minding their own business. When this hot MILF got in, wearing a sexy mini skirt and carrying this pair of big natural tities! So we were eating when this hot mama started flirting with my friend. She opened her legs so that we can see her pussy cause she was not wearing any panties. Yes! I know, it was delicious. Then we move to her table, she was with a friend but she was not interested in me. So i left with her and my friend stayed with this sexy and kinky MILF. So the rest i just can t explain it in words. They move to the kitchen, and started fucking everywhere. So check it out for yourself in this amazing fantasy that I like to call Hot and spicy sex!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 15, 2008
  • 111


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