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lori lust

Lori Lust begins by taking off her top to show her nice big tits. Then she plays with them a little to get her-self horny.Lori Lust is always in the mood so her nipples stay so hard.As she continues to strip, Lori takes off her tight mini skirt, and bends over to show off her firm ass. When Lori finally gets naked-WOW!Lori has a flat stomach and firm thighs to match her firm ass.This girl s body is bangin! After getting naked, Lori starts sucking cock, and she loves the taste of it. Lori strokes the cock with her hand, and she licks some balls.Lori lust even sucks both sides of the cock. After wrapping her lips around some dick, Lori finally gets what she wants-CUM ON HER FACE.

  • 00:14:15
  • Feb 26, 2008
  • 160


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