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hot satine goes hardcore!

hey wasup guys is me JT, this time I was just riding around chillin picking up some girl. when I found this sexy mama named Satine Phoenix. she is so hot, she got the most perfect ass I ve seen. I took her first to an alley and for only 20 dollars she gave a blow job. but not just any blow job, one of the best ones I ve got in years. so I was so fucking horny that I asked her how much for the fuck? so i took her to a motel and I stayed with her for a couple of hours doing naughty things! she started sucking my cock, and then I fucked her so good that she even came. You have to see her fucking doggy style, you are just going to come. so check it out peeps, because Satine goes hardcore with me.

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 28, 2008
  • 96


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