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how may i direct your call?

Hello, how may I direct your call? That s how Samira starts her day at customer service. But today it was different cause she happen to respond my ad and decided to come over. Today she took day off and ended up in my apartment talking about her job and of course why she is here which is not hard to understand. To be honest I think she is wasting your time cause such a hot person as she needs to have an eye contact with people. She is really beautiful. Beautiful face, nice pair of Puerto Rican tits and perfect round juicy ass. Johny Deep was the luckiest one to have it all, but this guy knows how to take care of business. He fucked that girl like he meant it. I grabbed such nice angles, and at the end he came on her pussy which I think was awesome. Just go ahead and she out another episode.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 10, 2008
  • 172


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