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get your nails done

Nice to see you back, . Ready for another Working Latinas update? You sure do cause otherwise why would you read that. Today I went to film this hot Guatemalan nail tech. Damn this girl is hot. She was doing some nail bullshit for her client and it looked like this girl was totally into her hot customer. Later she told me that once in a while she takes brakes from her routine and lets herself have some fun with the clients she likes. She is pretty hyper by the way, there are only nails and sex in her mind. So assuming all that, I decided to hook her up with my boy who got pretty big nail and which is more important knows how to pound it. Let me tell you that was a good decision. He fucked the shit out of that Guatemalan pussy. It was such a tease watching this nice round ass riding his cock. The cum shot was off the chain he came all over her nice boobs and face. Just go ahead and watch the episode.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 15, 2008
  • 113


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