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What a boring life if you don t get satisfaction from having sex. Everything goes wrong and you fill depressed. Thats kinda life Sienna lives because her fuck buddy is not good enough anymore. And everything would go the same direction if one day she wouldn t create her profile on That fact changed her life for good. She found a guy that can make all her sexual dreams come true. His name is D-Ski and he is also a Fling member. He responded to her message and agreed to join her for a dinner. To be honest they skipped that part and went straight to what they both so into. A crazy sex. D-Ski has a dick size of an baseball bet, and seemed like Sienna is a big fan of bets. She sucked his cock like a lollipop and he fucked her tities so well. Then she got on top of his monster and he fucked that pussy really hard. Go ahead and check out this movie and don t forget to check on, who knows maybe you got your own Sienna waiting for you to find her. Peace!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 21, 2008
  • 290


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