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jenaveve get s a bigmouthful

This week we bring you Jenaveve. This sexy starlet has the most incredible body with an upbeat personality to go along with it. From her bronze skin and round tits, this girl is perfection from head to toe.She starts by taking off her sky blue tank top and she reveals her soft sensual tits that has the cutest nipples.And then she takes off her shorts and bends over to let her bronze bubble butt speak for itself, while giving us a view of her pussy-lips from the back.Jenaveve stoops down as she declares,sucking cock is one of her favorite things in the world.While holding the cock with both hands,Jenaveve wraps her entire lips around the cock,and she also licks the balls while she s down there.Then,she starts riding the cock with her legs spread wide open.She leans forward and sticks her ass out and she starts rubbing her asshole while she is riding the cock.Jenaveve stands up and bends over and she gets fucked doggy style while moaning really loud.Afterward, she lays flat on her back,and she takes the dick some more while loving every minute of it.She is amazing!She enjoyed herself as much as you will when you see this. Enjoy!

  • 00:23:15
  • Mar 30, 2008
  • 242


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