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jj cruz likes it hard!

What s up guys,it s your homeboy Jack telling you a crazy story.I was driving around as usual picking up some chicks.I saw this beautiful, sexy, and delicious woman walking by.I knew that she was working for money based on how she was dressed. She was wearing a small tiny dress that just made me want to cum just by looking at her.So I stopped and asked her how much? We didn t talk about that in detail instead we went to the motel where the party was just getting started.I took her in,and without wasting any time she took all her clothes off.She was very sexy, and her ass was big and juicy.She teased me a little by sticking her finger inside her wet pussy before she sucked my dick.I loved watching her lips glide up and down on my cock.We were both very horny,so she laid on her back with her legs spread open while my dick went inside of her pussy.Afterward she started riding me cowgirl with her tits right in front of my face.The cock treatment continued when I fucked her sideways while I was rubbing her clit as she moaned.I fucked this girl so good,that you have to see it for yourself.Check her out.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 03, 2008
  • 268


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