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a twist on the glory hole

Im sure most of you have seen my glory hole shoot...well i now for a fact alot of you have because so many of you have written me emails requesting a do another one...while i didnt have any problems with doing another one i couldnt help but feel i needed to do something different with it...well there was that and the fact that the location of the last glory hole we shot at has since been torn down and its the only one i know of that isnt in a gay club...think of this one as more of an experiment since it is apparant the guy on the other end of the dick in both mine and sarahs mouth obviously is aware of who is on the other was really neet..its really cool the way gravity can play a role in altering the way sex feels and may also notice the amazing and beautiful sarah whos blowjob skills i dare say rival mine...but ill take that pepsi challenge any day of the week..or atleast i know you will!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 14, 2008
  • 231


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