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fighting for booty

Boxing can be a difficult sport, but when you throw in some sexy babes, boxing turns out to be fun. This week we took AssParade.Com to the boxing ring, and our boy Puck or how we like to call him in the ring Bad News Puck was out there fighting for his honor or best of all Fighting for Booty . We knew he could take the beat, against the Hialeah Bomber . It was a knock out but the best part was how he got the sexy ring ladies to give him some love. These two had a pair of asses that would drive you crazy and make you cum for hours. First sexy Kristina Rose striped down for us to give a peek of her toned voluptuous ass and then our veteran Sarajay came along for a fuck session. They just went crazy with puck s dick; one was licking it and the other was touching herself while wearing the boxing gloves. Then Kristina jumped in, to ride that cock hard for a nice finish into their mouth, that was more like a Knockout.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 27, 2008
  • 238


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