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fuck me! you computer geek

So Lady Milf is chatting on-line with some horny guy who makes her horny and causes her to start rubbing her pussy. As she’s getting hornier in front of the web cam , her computer freezes and she gets upset and calls the tech. The tech is a smooth looking motherfucker, and she checks him out on his way to her lap top. While he’s checking out her lap top he notices she has a lot of porn. And meanwhile she’s getting him water and washing up her pussy. Boom! She takes off her clothes and the smooth motherfucker is licking her clit, right before she rides him reverse cowgirl, and grinds on his computer geek cock. He switches to fucking her doggy, and finally she sucks his dick, and she lets the cum drip from her chin.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 03, 2008
  • 260


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