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sarah deep throat

So I ran into this chick outside of the big music festival we have here at Miami Beach. She said she wanted some deep dicking and could take 12-inches in her throat and that she has heard about Ramon. I told this little nymph, a real cute freak with supple tits and a round Fat Ass. I told her that I wanted to bang her and make her scream her guts out. Possibly fuck the shit out of her. Sarah told me that my cock wasn’t big enough so then I told her that I could call up Ramon and he can fuck the shit out of her for me. Ramon didn’t disappoint in the slightest, just the look at her visually gagging that massive cock in her throat like the little nymph that she is was awesome! She wanted cock that bad, well she got it. So Ramon fucked her good and I recorded every minute until he drenched her face with his cum and she was completely satisfied. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 05, 2008
  • 330


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