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into the wild with the bang bus

Wasup guys is me preston with another episode of the bang bus. this time we decided to take trip to everglades to have a little chill time with the aligators. when we got to the park, there was this hot chik, who worked in there, waiting for his paycheck. Like alwyas the pleaser hitting on her. but we decided to take the rip without her and when we come back, we invited her for dinner. so we went ride the everglades, we had a blast, even pleaser taste a little bit of the water. so when we came back, the girl was still there, so she went with us for a ride and later that day the girl liked the pleaser and they both started to fool arround. she is very hot, her ass is very cute and her face is like an animal asking for sex!!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 20, 2008
  • 195


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