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kianna young wants the cum

Kianna Young is a hot black chick that has the sexual appetite of a woman in her prime. Kianna loves to fuck and have fun. while i was talking to her trying to get to know this new up and cummer she was extremely anxious to have my dick going in and out of that tight black pussy. and after seeing her awesome tits and juicy ass. i wanted to fuck her all night long! Kianna isnt shy and loves getting down and dirty, while getting to know her she told me when she use to work at the local strip club she would sometimes feel naughty and take customers home for a quick fuck. now why can all chicks be this horny!?! i had a great time banging this hott black piece of ass! Kianna kept bragging about her great blowjob skills and she wasn t kidding, she gives thee best blowjobs ever!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 24, 2008
  • 152


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