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jenny hendrix loves big fat cocks in her ass!

Yes she does! Jenny Hendrix is here because she said she wanted Ramon s cock in her ass. She hasn t really seen his cock in person, but she heard all about it. Jenny was up for the challenge and showed up on our front door. How could we say no to a pretty face hungry for cum on her face. So I got her to show me some of her sweet goodness, her supple tits and her nice legs. This white girls got ASS too! She showed it to me and then spread her pussy open to reveal a tiny tight wet pussy. This horn dog we really wet. So I called up Ramon and told him about Jenny and he was over in a minute. Ready to slay the dragon with his mighty sword of Justice. When he showed her what she had in store Jenny s jaw dropped. She couldn t believe it. Jenny still wanted it in her ass so she did what she likes best and took 13 inches straight in there. Thats how we do it BangBros Style. Motherfuckers. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 26, 2008
  • 256


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