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door to door service

Poor Connor, sitting at home all alone bored out of his mind. Nothing on TV, too lazy to go outside. He even tries reading the newspaper which he never does, luckily for him inside this newspaper is an ad for a service which will be sure to liven up his day. Its called M.O.M. mail order milf, which is funny because they’re really isn’t any mailing involved. At first Connor thought it was a joke but he decided to give M.O.M. a call regardless, and wouldn’t you know it, an hour later there’s a hot milf named Tessa ringing his doorbell. She cooks, she cleans, this woman does it all. Connor just sits back and watches her clean his house in a sexy French maid uniform. When Tessa goes outside to clean the outside windows she returns all hot and sweaty. Of course this leads to her taking off her clothes and of course that leads to... you know.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 14, 2008
  • 249


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