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tanner s double facial

Its nice to see you all back. Another facial episode is on its way, in other words we got another cute newbie getting a huge load on her face, actually two loads, big ones. Tanner just joined the adult industry, and it seems like she is happy with the choice that she made. What is there not to be happy about? considering her addiction to sex and money, which both of those things are fundamental terms of porn as it is. She is from Michigan by the way. We were talking about different stuff, herself, her favorite things to do, and her first sexual experience. Then she got on top of my desk, and she started masturbating. She came in like 10 seconds!!! Can you believe it? She is totally crazy about sex, and she proved that by sucking my cock, and letting me fuck her pussy, and finger her ass. It was really hot. Check it out!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 23, 2008
  • 310


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