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job hunting with mrs. bryce

Hey what s up guys, it’s Joey again, and this week I had Hunter Bryce come in for an interview. I wasn t expecting Hunter to be so hot; she has a nice tight body with a nice set of tits to play with. So anyhow, Hunter came in, in hopes that I could land her a gig in porn, because we all know that I am the guy to talk to about shit like that. So yeah, I asked Hunter a series of questions such as why she wanted to do porn and what she liked the most about sex, and her answers were great! Soon after I couldn t resist asking to see hunters tits, which are sweet! She was all for fucking me as an audition to jump start her porn career, and let me tell you, Hunter is one wild MILF she was riding my cock like no other MILF has before. Apparently she was really into it because she came or should I say squirted on me several times. This was one hot interview you shouldn t miss.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 11, 2008
  • 200


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