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massage therapy

Ariel likes to get massages she preferably loves sensual massages. She likes to caress her body and touch her breasts. Massaging her stomach and rubbing her clit. Ariel is a sexy black girl with a very beautiful body. She has a rock hard stomach and large natural tits. They re very soft and when you squeeze them you feel like you just squeezed a little bit of heaven. Her legs are long and slender, but it’s the ass that gets your attention from a mile away. It’s round, brown and exquisite. You want to fuck her at first sight, because she s so hot and loves a good massage; we got her an excellent masseuse. Stallion is an expert in sexual massages, and he loves to eat pussy as one of his routines. He s extremely unconventional, because fucking is also an extra perk to the massage. Things get hotter as Ariel and Stallion do some great fucking in the back yard. Don t miss out!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 17, 2008
  • 97


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