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what is left for the pussy hole?

Jmac was sent to detention this week for falling asleep in class and not being able to keep up with his problem solving. Ms.Foxxx just happen to be in charge of detention this week. Everyone knows that Ms. Foxxx is a horny mature woman that always knows how to get that young cock. So she came up with an interesting plan to help Jmac with his math. She came up with a question that stumped poor Jmac into fucking her brains out! She measured his cock, and he measured her tits. After that, it was time to get to fucking! Jmac pounded that pussy nasty style and Ms.Foxxx was taking it like a pro, but after all that fucking, Jmac finally came up with the solution to the problem. Check it out to see what happens.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 06, 2008
  • 185


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