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ricki white always gets her way

Ricki White always gets what she wants, and this week she proves that to us by going in to a car audio/rim shop and pretty much seducing poor Criss Strokes into pimping out her ride at no cost to her; all she has to do is show off those big tits and juicy ass! Ricki came in clueless on what she needed for her car after some help by Criss she not only knew what she needed but knew how to get it. She took him to her house where her ride was waiting to be check out. Using the old it s hot out here line she invited him to her humble abode where she pretty much told him that she always gets what she wants as she began to suck on his cock. After a quick blow job she started playing with her big tits and had him grab on her firm ass. But of course to seal the deal Ricki jumped on that rock hard cock and fucked Criss until he had no choice but to pimp out her ride free of charge.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 13, 2008
  • 411


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