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this might hurt a little

Watch out Miami Beach here comes a wild fuckteam from California. These girls took the beach by storm. If you were to survey everyone that was out on South Beach that day I would say 9 out of 10 of them would say they were flashed by a group of beautiful rambunctious ladies (I of course use that term loosely). Seeing as there tits were beginning to get sunburn from all the excess of public exposure they wondered into a tattoo shop where Tori Lane spontaneously decided to get a tattoo on her toe. It was a well thought out decision (she picked the tattoo off of a wall in the shop.... classy gal.) While she was getting the tattoo Mackenzee and Jessica kept themselves busy by some of the shop’s customers which didn’t end until they all got back to they’re hotel and gave a couple of random dudes a day they will never forget.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 28, 2008
  • 202


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