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julia ann shows demitri how it s done

There is nothing sexier than a woman that knows what men really like. This week we have the gorgeous Julia Ann with us for a little Q&A and some hardcore action. I was talking to Julia about the business and how things have changed through out the years. This was an interesting conversation we had. Once we got the whole Q&A out of the way, I had to get a piece of that MILF ass, and well seeing that Julia is a veteran in the business, I wanted her to teach our young buck Demitri Long some tricks of the trade. Watching Julia in action is amazing! She is just like fine wine; she only gets better with age. And well, she still has that amazing body firm tits and delicious ass. This was an awesome learning experience for both Demitri and myself; I hope you enjoy.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 03, 2008
  • 319


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