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sabrina starr

Sabrina Starr is our next hot girl to get a big mouth full of the man-mayonnaise. Sabrina likes watching videos, and she wanted to take that sexual experience to the next step, and be the girl in the videos. She took off her clothes so fast Preston had to slow her down. Once her top came off, her all natural perky full tits were too irresistible, and Preston had to feel up on them. She got on the desk, and she spread that ass; the finger was in her pussy going in and out from the back. Afterward, she gave the cock a good tongue-shower, and tug job. Then she does the reverse cock ride standing up-followed by doggy style dick penetration. Sabrina gets on the floor, and she rides the cock until she gets the man-custard on her pretty face.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 07, 2008
  • 170


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