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vroom vroom!

This week we have an adrenaline filled Fuck Team 5. We were with Renae Cruz, Satine Phoenix,Emy Reyes and Rosario Stone on their road trip vacation to Miami. While on the road to Miami the girls caught the attention of some young sport biker dudes. And while these dudes where showing off their impressive skills the girls where flashing their tits through the window of our bus. Eventually we pulled over to see what was up with these dudes, and they were in shock that they were showing off to a bus filled with porn stars. After taking pictures with the girls and showing off their bikes in person, they invited us back to their stunt spot where things got nice, and heavy for these average Joes. The girls where so turned on by their biking skills that they grabbed a couple of Joes and brought them back into the bus for some fun. Girl on girl on regular Joe action! This was one fun experience for both the girls and the dudes.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 18, 2008
  • 163


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