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milf from hotlanta

Nice to see you back people. Ready for another Back Room Milf episode? You better be. This time like any other, I had this cute MILF coming to get a job at my office. She wanted this job really bad. You could say by the way she was looking at my cock and me. I saw her pictures, and she looked damn good. Maybe because she was a dancer or maybe because she was desperate, since she said that she was pretty much willing to do whatever. Bottom line is that she was ready to fuck and that’s all that matters in my office. So then I don t think it’s hard to guess what happened next. Yes, she sucked my cock; yes I fucked the shit out of her, and yes, she probably got a job. So check it out!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 19, 2008
  • 172


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