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beginners luck

What s up guys, this time on the famous AssParade we bring you a lucky dude name Ken, and two hot, sexy, gorgeous asses named Katja Kassin and Ava Rose. This two sexy mamas have the best behinds you have ever seen, they are just wonderful to play with and they both love to lick pussy. So it s Ken s first shoot, and I decided to give him the best in the industry so he can get used to it. The dude did alright, but thats beginners luck. But the stars of the shoot like always are these delicious beauties who love to fuck and love to do anal. So check this scene out because it is just out of this world. Remember it s not how big their asses are, is the way they use it, and man! they know how to use their behinds.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 21, 2008
  • 335


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