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What’s up mofo s? This week we have Penny Flame, Allyssa Hall, Trina Michaels, and Sophie Dee running a muck in Miami; the girls took one of our cams and went out shopping for shoes and dick. As they roamed the halls of the mall they encountered different dudes and humiliated them in front of everyone. They finally came up to Rod and Cory in which they had bumped into earlier at the optical store and they convince them to come along and have some good fun with some banging pornstars. These two dudes had no idea what they got themselves into. The girls pretty much had their way with them, from making fun of the sizes of their dick to commenting on their fucking skills. In the end, everyone was happy the girls got their thrills and the dudes got some porn star pussy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 25, 2008
  • 309


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