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cream pie miami tour

Welcome back. Today on our Creamy adventure we meet Vanessa. She is my old friend by the way, who came to Miami just for a couple days; she told me that she is going to be waiting for me at some Latin cafe that she loves a lot so I took my crew and we went there to meet her. I told Porcupine to wait for me at my place. So we picked her up, and I told her that I have somebody she would definitely like to meet. Well this somebody was sitting home jerking off when we showed up there. It was pretty funny when we caught him jerking off. The poor guy was so embarrassed, so I let Vanessa take care of him, but even before we got in my car I told her that she has to go nasty today. She was up for it big time. He fucked her, and her nice tits and at the end he came right in her pussy. That shit was awesome.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 10, 2008
  • 149


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