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the nasty coworkers

Man, I tell you working can be such a drag. Having an annoying boss, staring at the clock all day, bored out of your mind waiting for it to be 5 o clock can drive you a little insane. The monotonous routine of having to work everyday can make life seem a bit boring. Sometimes you have to spice things up a little bit with your coworkers, to have something to look forward too, in that span of the day, and thats exactly what me and Monica decided to do. We decided to get real nasty with a couple of coworkers. It definitely made my day more interesting. You should try it sometime, just grab that person you so want to fuck and take them into the lunchroom or right outside the building and fuck the shit out of them.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 27, 2008
  • 159


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