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simply darryl hanah

Hey whats up everyone? So this week we have the beautiful Darryl Hanah here at MILF Lessons. She came by to talk about her past sexual experiences, and to show off some of that sweet, sweet, Hanah Poon. While Darryl spoke, she began to undress, and became hornier by the minute. I asked her to come in, and take a quick sexy shower before she met my friend Mr. Brooks. Watching Darryls hot body being splashed with cold water was something for sore eyes. As Darryl splashed her already wet pussy, she told me that she was all natural tits, ass, and looks. She was in fact the full package. As Darryl began to give Mr. Brooks head her appetite for young hard cock grew, she could not resist herself, and she gave brooks the fuck of a lifetime, fucking in many different positions like wild animals. Brooks could not take it much longer, and he came all over Darryls pretty little face.

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 19, 2008
  • 235


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