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personal trainher

Scott Stone was looking do to some training exercises for his up cumming soccer season. So he hired India Summer to help him tone up and condition his body, but he didn t expect India to be so beautiful. The two met up at the local football field and took a jog to India s gym. Once the two got there they began their exercise. India s tight rocking body was too much for Scott. He couldn t concentrate on the workout. The sexy seductive India caught on to this, and she began to flirt with Scott furthering his desire to fuck her as a nice work out. India proposed to work out Scott’s main muscle. He was all down for it. This was one hell of a trainer. She came with a happy ending. India worked out Scott for sure she sucked him off then she had him fuck her nice and hard!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 10, 2008
  • 206


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