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peeping john

It was a rainy Sunday morning and john was out with his buddies with nothing to do when they decided to see if the Halstons were home. John’s friends told him they moved in a couple of months ago, and that Mrs. Halston was always home alone due to her husband’s busy career. The rumor on Holly Halston was that she was a sexual fiend and she has developed a taste for guys in their early twenties. Word spread quickly through the neighborhood. So john and his buddies were determined to find out if this rumor was fact. They crept up to the Halston residence but didn t see anything right away, not knowing that Holly was upstairs playing with her toys . The boys looked through every window and they were about to give up until Holly came downstairs to grab a drink, and she caught them red handed. John’s friends ran away leaving him behind to deal with the punishment. But little did John know that this punishment was well worth it. Holly began to seduce john. She was disgusted with the fact th

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 17, 2009
  • 392


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