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rachel solari is back!!!!

Rachel Solari is back and better than ever. Rachel has to be one of my favorite porn stars ever, and one of Bangbros fans too. I hadn t seen her in forever, at least not at Bangbros, and the other day a friend of mine told me he saw her working at a tattoo shop. I couldn t believe it. So I ran to the tattoo parlor to convince her to do a scene for us, because we love those big ass titties of hers. It really didn t take much convincing; she actually wanted to do it right in the tattoo shop. Rachel is so much fun; she was just walking around with her tits, and her big fat ass just hanging out. Around there, I guess the customers are used to that. Well I took her back home where one of my boys was waiting for me to bring home some bacon. Hahaha, he was completely overwhelmed when he saw her. He couldn t believe how fine Rachel really was. With that ass and those big breasts that bounce all over the place, I think Sergio fell in love. They got down to it; nice and dirty just like you guys like it. Enjoy!!!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 28, 2009
  • 137


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