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a party and a plate of cum

Let me introduce you guys to Rick... Rick the Dick. Rick is my trainer, not the sharpest knife in the drawer but the ladies love his body. One night at the gym I was avoiding my next set so I was trying to distract him by telling about the parties I have been working and the all the crazy shit going down behind close doors. Rick, thinking I was full of shit tried to call me on it by betting me five hundred dollars against it. So, with bet in hand I told him if I am not full of shit you have to perform and quickly he agreed. After the workout I took him back to my truck and showed him the tapes. Always a man of his word, he agreed to the next show on the condition that he doesn t show his face. Thinking he was going to back out I agreed and told him to get a mask and to work out a routine. When the day of the shoot cam around he actually showed, so I asked to see his act before he goes out there and makes a fool of himself. Wanting the show to be a surprise he refused and introduced me

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 27, 2009
  • 882


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