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brandy s 36 ddd s

What s up ladies and gents..I bring you this weeks Btra s update and is one for the ages,with us we have the Lovely Brandy Talore and her huge Tripple Motha-Fuking D s man those things are really huge,So she comes into the pad and starts doing her thing,Hell even the pool takes peak at those bad boys and do we blame him? i think not,Anywho in comes our stud,Carlo and he seems a bit shy at first or for better words overwhelmed by the beauty that stands on his sight.So they are fooling around she seems to like him so they start some real fun and start the action..he starts pounding her and she s all into it,Guys Stay Tuned it will not dissapoint.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 04, 2009
  • 307


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