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happy fucking endings!!

These crazy motherfucking women were feeling out of the loop in there pampering time, so they went around sunset looking for a nice, relaxing massage; fuck team style. The places that they went were overstock with women but not with cock, so they turned to the first joe they came across. I m talking about Phoenix Marie, Beverly Hills, and Audrianna Angel jumped on the first cock they saw and they milked the fucker dry to a disappointing outcome filled with laughs and giggles for the ladies. It didn t tickle they bone they were looking to tickle though. So on they were on to the next spot where they can get some clitorial deep tissue massage. They finally entered a parlor where there were to guys ready to give a massage, whom were filled with joy when they found out they came across a fuck team five party!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 12, 2009
  • 296


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