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passing time titty slapping

Dana and the girls were out and about having some coffee, the girls? Samantha Ryan and Monique Alexander, that combination is killer! The day was looking great, so they took the action to the tub. The only problem with the scenario was that Dana didn t turn on the heater, so Samantha and Monique turned things up!!! Samantha is fucking amazing, she s classy with the freak behind her!!! When I say freak, I mean FREAK!!! Monique feels the wrath of Samantha s mighty mighty tongue and her powerful dildo stroke. While Dana gets the strap on action Samantha delivers along with the stimulating titty slapping action she s got going!!! It s too hot to tell all, so watch it, enjoy it, and come back next week because things are only getting hotter!!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 15, 2009
  • 151


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