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good karma cums through

You know that saying, if you do good, you get one better? Well, ask JAzy Berlin and Renee Perez how true this statement is. While they were taking a walk at the park, they saw the sexy ass Nikita Von James stretching out at the park. Nikita is a sight for sore eyes, with this petite little body with very BIG features, tight round ass and some huge fucking tits!! Jazy and Renee spotted her stretching, walked by her and casually said hello and checked Nikita out as she jogged passed them. Somewhere down the running lane, Nikita hurt her ankle and in came the good deeds of the vagina munching duo. They helped Nikita off the ground, took her home, iced her ankle for about two seconds and they focused on getting Nikita s mind off the pain with a little pussy massage via passage of the tongue and dildos!!! I won t tell you the rest, just check it out and believe me you won t be disappointed!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 22, 2009
  • 170


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